search - Searching In datagridview in Windows Application VB.NET -

i have filter datagridview using textbox.the code below using fill gridview.getdata function of db class returns datatable.

i not using datasource property of gridview instead filing gridview using loop.

i can searching using datasource property , dataview have not fill datagridview directly datasource property.

sub griddesgn()     datagridview1.columns.clear()     datagridview1.rows.clear()     datagridview1.columns.add("crime", "crime")     datagridview1.columns.add("actname", "actname")     datagridview1.columns.add("section", "section")     datagridview1.columns.add("description", "description") end sub  private sub test_load(byval sender object, byval e system.eventargs) handles me.load     griddesgn()     dim dbobj new db     dim dtt datatable = dbobj.getdata("select crime,actname,section,description natureofcomplaint_women")      if dtt.rows.count > 0         integer = 0 dtt.rows.count - 1             datagridview1.rows.add()             datagridview1.rows(i).cells("crime").value = dtt.rows(i).item("crime") & ""             datagridview1.rows(i).cells("actname").value = dtt.rows(i).item("actname") & ""             datagridview1.rows(i).cells("section").value = dtt.rows(i).item("section") & ""             datagridview1.rows(i).cells("description").value = dtt.rows(i).item("description") & ""         next     end if  end sub 

use statement in sql query

"select crime,actname,section,description natureofcomplaint_women crime = " & txtsearch.text 

(if want search on crime.) change needs. repeat datagrid fill used above, altereted sql query each time type/press search button


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