animation - android pop out (zoom) view on focus -
i have group of views, want 'pop-out' of screen when focused; sort of thing might see in menu on video game, example.
to achieve adding onfocuschaned listener these views runs zoomin animation on focus, , zoomout animation on losing focus:
@override protected void oncreate(bundle savedinstancestate) { super.oncreate(savedinstancestate); viewgroup base = (viewgroup) this.getlayoutinflater().inflate(r.layout.gridtest, null); viewgroup container = (viewgroup) base.getchildat(0); this.animzoomin = animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.zoomin); this.animzoomout = animationutils.loadanimation(this, r.anim.zoomout); int x=0; for(view child:this.getviews(container)) { imageview = (imageview) child; i.setpadding(10,10,10,10); if(x==0) { i.setbackgroundcolor(; x++; } else if(x==1) {i.setbackgroundcolor(; x++; } else if(x==2) {i.setbackgroundcolor(; x=0; } i.settag(gridactivity.tag_empty); i.setonfocuschangelistener(new view.onfocuschangelistener() { @override public void onfocuschange(view v, boolean hasfocus) { if (hasfocus) { v.startanimation(gridactivity.this.animzoomin); } else { v.startanimation(gridactivity.this.animzoomout); } } }); } setcontentview(base); }
<scale xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" android:zadjustment="top" android:fillenabled="true" android:fillafter="true" android:fromxscale="1.0" android:toxscale="1.2" android:fromyscale="1.0" android:toyscale="1.1" android:pivotx="50%" android:pivoty="50%" android:duration="200" />
<scale xmlns:android="" android:interpolator="@android:anim/accelerate_decelerate_interpolator" android:zadjustment="bottom" android:fromxscale="1.2" android:toxscale="1.0" android:fromyscale="1.1" android:toyscale="1.0" android:duration="50" />
this works in far views zoom in , out correctly, z-ordering of views doesn't change... 'popped out' view overlapped (smaller) view right.
i have tried using v.bringtofront() appears move focused view end of parent layout, rather re-order z-wise.
(edit) effect i'm trying duplicate
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