android - Configuration with name 'default' not found - Glide library -

i downloaded , opened glide library 's source code using both android studio , intellij idea 14. shows error this:

d:\androidstudioprojects\glide-master\glide\build.gradle error:(5, 0) configuration name 'default' not found. 

this content of build.gradle file

apply plugin: 'java'  evaluationdependson(':third_party:gif_decoder') evaluationdependson(':third_party:disklrucache') evaluationdependson(':library')  def getandroidsdkdirectory() {   project(':library').android.sdkdirectory }  def getandroidcompilesdkversion() {   project(':library').android.compilesdkversion }  def getinternalandroidprojects() {     [':third_party:gif_decoder', ':library'].collect { project(it) } } def getinternaljavaprojects() {     [':third_party:disklrucache'].collect { project(it) } }  def getallinternalprojects() {     getinternalandroidprojects() + getinternaljavaprojects() }  def getreleasevariantandroidprojects() {     getandroidlibraryvariants('release') }  def getandroidlibraryvariants(variantname) {     getinternalandroidprojects().collect { project -> { type ->            }     }.sum() }  def getsourcefilesforvariant(variantname) {     getandroidlibraryvariants(variantname).collect { it.javacompile.source } +             getinternaljavaprojects().collect { it.sourcesets.main.alljava } }  def getandroidjar() {     "${getandroidsdkdirectory()}/platforms/${getandroidcompilesdkversion()}/android.jar" }  // generate javadocs , sources containing batched documentation , sources internal projects. ['release', 'debug'].each { variantname ->      task("${variantname}sourcejar", type: jar) {       getsourcefilesforvariant(variantname)     }      def javadoctask = task("${variantname}javadoc", type: javadoc) {         source = getsourcefilesforvariant(variantname)          classpath = files(getandroidlibraryvariants(variantname).collect {             files(it.javacompile.classpath.files, getandroidjar())         })         classpath += getinternaljavaprojects().collect { files(it.configurations.compile) }          options {             links("")             linksoffline("", "${getandroidsdkdirectory()}/docs/reference")         }          exclude '**/'         exclude '**/'     } javadoc      def cleanjavadoctask = task("clean${variantname.capitalize()}javadoc", type: delete) {         delete javadoctask.destinationdir     } task     clean.dependson(cleanjavadoctask)      def javadocjartask = task("${variantname}javadocjar", type: jar) {       javadoctask.destinationdir     } task     javadocjartask.dependson(javadoctask) }  jar {     files(             getreleasevariantandroidprojects().collect { variant ->                 variant.javacompile.destinationdir             }     )     exclude "**/r.class"     exclude "**/buildconfig.class"     files(getinternaljavaprojects().collect { it.sourcesets.main.output }) }  getallinternalprojects().each { project ->     jar.dependson( }  artifacts {     archives releasejavadocjar {         classifier 'javadoc'     }     archives releasesourcejar {         classifier 'sources'     } }  apply from: "$rootproject.projectdir/scripts/upload.gradle" 

can know problem? thanks

you need follow of instructions in readme including running:

git submodule init git submodule update 

before build.


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