jquery - javascript function ready code not working -
i trying determine why script not working -- working until added function ready element make page load before running - think maybe did not add correct closure. new js if has ideas, great!
<script> //a simple function used make ajax call , run callback target page source argument when successful function getsubpagesource(url, successcallback) { var xhr = xmlhttprequest(); xhr.onreadystatechange = function() { if (xhr.readystate == 4 && xhr.status == 200) { //when source returned, run callback response text successcallback(xhr.responsetext); } }; xhr.open('get', url, true); xhr.send(); } function readyfn(jquery) { // code run when document ready. //find categories sub categories var categories = document.getelementsbyclassname('has-subcategories'); //loop through each category (var ii = 0, nn = categories.length; ii < nn; ii++) { //use closure pass in static ii (function(ii) { //get element var element = categories.item(ii); //find id var id = element.getattribute('data-category'); //find url var href = element.getattribute('href'); if (id && href) { //found getsubpagesource(href, function(data) { //find sub categories //trim off before id shows first var substrsource = data.substr(data.indexof('data-category="'+id+'"')); //trim off remaining of category title substrsource = substrsource.substr(substrsource.indexof('</a>')); //trim off next category found substrsource = substrsource.substr(0, substrsource.indexof('home-categories-main')); //trim off next category starts, leaving source of sub categories substrsource = substrsource.substring(0, substrsource.lastindexof('<a ')) //insert main menu after title console.log(id, substrsource); //create new node capable of having children var newnode = document.createelement("span"); //insert new source new node newnode.innerhtml = substrsource; //insert new node after element element.parentnode.insertbefore(newnode, element.nextsibling); }); } })(ii); } } $(document).ready(readyfn); </script>
instead of
try use
$(document).ready(function() { })
$(function() { });
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