windows - Batch file calling vbs wont run from Task scheduler -

i have batch file scheduled in task scheduler. if run batch file manually cmd, work , taking 20 mins. if schedule in task scheduler, finishes when starting run , shows result "successfully finished...." (vbs didnt run...) batch file call 2 vbs scripts run. not sure if there wrong task scheduler or batch file gets wrong code in there.

 @echo off  set logfile=c:\temp\shop_floor_schedule.%time:~0,2%.log  echo %date% %time% > %logfile%  cscript  "c:\work\scripts\export.vbs" >> %logfile% 2>&1  cscript  "c:\work\scripts\schedule.vbs" >> %logfile% 2>&1  echo "batch complete" >> %logfile% 

i got error massages in log file

fri 06/19/2015 10:00:00.13  microsoft (r) windows script host version 5.8 copyright (c) microsoft corporation. rights reserved.  starting excel opening workbook c:\work\scripts\export.vbs(30, 1) microsoft excel: microsoft excel cannot access file 'c:\ntfs3\scripts\production.xls'. there several possible reasons:   file name or path not exist.  file being used program.  workbook trying save has same name open workbook. 

i message task scheduler, if run cmd manually, well.

get out of habit of logging using wscript.echo & stdout vbscript outputs... terrible practice , reduces ability include logic work around problems this.

i recommend fix method. instead of using >> %log% 2>&1... use argument vbscripts logfile. it's simple solution. point scheduled task @ vbscript.. should fix issues batch file issue.

const forreading = 1, forwriting = 2, forappending, 8 set fso = createobject("scripting.filesystemobject") set shell = wscript.createobject ("") logfile = "c:\temp\shop_floor_schedule" & hour(now()) & ".log"  ' start export.vbs '============================================================     call writelog("starting export vbscript") "cmd /c cscript  c:\work\scripts\export.vbs >> """ & logfile & """ 2>&1"   ' start schedule.vbs '======================================== call writelog("starting schedule vbscript") "cmd /c cscript  c:\work\scripts\schedule.vbs >> """ & logfile & """ 2>&1"  'terminate objects , exit script '============================================================ call writelog("terminating script") set objshell = nothing set fso = nothing  sub writelog(strmessage)     set logf = fso.opentextfile(logfile, forappending, true)     strtime = hour(now()) & ":" & minute(now())     logf.writeline = date() & " - " & strtime & "   " & strmessage     logf.close     set logf = nothing end sub 


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