javascript - How to not update a model until form submission in Angular? -

i'm looking angular not update model until user submits form. or, in way, update model only when user has submitted form.

<form ng-submit="process()">     value : {{ }}     <input type="text" ng-model="">     <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> 

i thinking of ng-model-options="{ updateon: null }" doesn't work.

is possible without getting "hacky" (like getting each input's value on submit)?

you should clone object using angular.copy.

 $scope.formdata = angular.copy($scope.model);  <form ng-submit="process()">     value : {{ }}     <input type="text" ng-model="">     <button type="submit">submit</button> </form> 

then on process update model.

 $scope.model = angular.copy($scope.formdata); 

you using temporary model instead of "real" one.


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