objective c - Set NSTableCellView and subviews to have dynamic width programmatically -

i have nstableview cells contain various nstextfields , nsprogressindicators. set cells programmatically , control behavior programmatically. way have implemented cells prevents me being able use interface builder. works great except when resize nswindow, nstablecells , subviews within nstableview not resize width equal width of table contained in.

any advice on how accomplish dynamic change in width nstableview's subviews appreciated.

here code creating cells:

func tableview(tableview: nstableview, viewfortablecolumn tablecolumn: nstablecolumn?, row: int) -> nsview? {      var data = nsmutabledictionary()     data = xloaddata(data)     if data.count == 0 {         data.setobject((homedir + "/library/messages/attachments"), forkey: "message attachments")         data.setobject((homedir + "/library/caches"), forkey: "application caches")         xsavedata(data)     }     let array: nsarray = data.allkeys.sorted(){($0 as! string) < ($1 as! string)}     let mainview = nstablecellview(frame: nsrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableview.frame.width, height: 48))     mainview.identifier = "sx"     let keyname = nstextfield(frame: nsrect(x: 0, y: 20, width: tableview.frame.width, height: 28))         keyname.bezeled = false         keyname.drawsbackground = false         keyname.editable = false         keyname.selectable = false         keyname.font = nsfont(name: "helveticaneue-thin", size: 17)         keyname.textcolor = nscolor(hexcolorcode: "#f3f3f3")         keyname.stringvalue = array.objectatindex(row) as! string      //calculate sizes     let val: string = valuefromkey(data, key: keyname.stringvalue)     let size: double = sizedict.objectforkey(val) as! double     let totalsize: double = sizedict.objectforkey("total") as! double     var progratio: double = 0     if totalsize != 0 {         progratio = (size / totalsize) * 100     }      let sizeinfo = nstextfield(frame: nsrect(x: 0, y: 20, width: tableview.frame.width - 5, height: 28))         sizeinfo.bezeled = false         sizeinfo.drawsbackground = false         sizeinfo.editable = false         sizeinfo.selectable = false         sizeinfo.font = nsfont(name: "helveticaneue-thin", size: 16)         sizeinfo.textcolor = nscolor(hexcolorcode: "#f3f3f3")         sizeinfo.alignment = nstextalignment.righttextalignment         sizeinfo.stringvalue = "\(convertbytes(size)) / \(totalsize)"      var progasset = nsprogressindicator(frame: nsrect(x: 0, y: 0, width: tableview.frame.width - 5, height: 20))         progasset.indeterminate = false         progasset.doublevalue = progratio      mainview.addsubview(keyname)     mainview.addsubview(sizeinfo)     mainview.addsubview(progasset)      return mainview } 

you have 2 basic options: use auto layout or use old-style springs , struts (autoresizing masks).

for auto layout, create constraints relate views inside cell view cell view (their superview). might relate each other.

for example, have text fields overlapping, 1 right-aligned. should arrange them side-by-side, instead. like:

keyname.setcontenthuggingpriority(nslayoutpriority(250),                                   fororientation:.horizontal) keyname.setcontentcompressionresistancepriority(nslayoutpriority(750),                                                 fororientation:.horizontal) sizeinfo.setcontenthuggingpriority(nslayoutpriority(251),                                    fororientation:.horizontal) sizeinfo.setcontentcompressionresistancepriority(nslayoutpriority(751),                                                  fororientation:.horizontal) let views = ["keyname": keyname, "sizeinfo": sizeinfo] var constraints = nslayoutconstraint.constraintswithvisualformat("|[keyname][sizeinfo]-(5)-|",                                                                  options:[.alignallbaseline],                                                                  metrics:nil,                                                                  views:views) nslayoutconstraint.activateconstraints(constraints) 

etc. need horizontal constraints progress indicator , vertical constraints, too.

the other approach set autoresizingmask each view control how each changes size , position superview changes.


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