Yeoman and Bower not adding Bootstrap CSS (AngularJS generator) -

i following along codelab on yeoman webpage, , far i've managed follow along (with few major hiccups getting development environment going, doesn't return errors).

so made project folder , ran yo, selected angularjs , run thing. process got prompt ? overwrite package.json? answered y , got following warnings:

npm warn package.json codelab@0.0.0 no license field. npm warn peerdependencies peer dependency karma@>=0.9 included karma-jasmine no npm warn peerdependencies longer automatically installed fulfill peerdependency  npm warn peerdependencies in npm 3+. application need depend on explicitly. npm warn peerdependencies peer dependency jasmine-core@* included karma-jasmine no npm warn peerdependencies longer automatically installed fulfill peerdependency  npm warn peerdependencies in npm 3+. application need depend on explicitly. npm warn peerdependencies peer dependency karma@>=0.9 included karma-phantomjs-launcher no npm warn peerdependencies longer automatically installed fulfill peerdependency  npm warn peerdependencies in npm 3+. application need depend on explicitly. npm warn peerdependencies peer dependency phantomjs@>=1.9 included karma-phantomjs-launcher no npm warn peerdependencies longer automatically installed fulfill peerdependency  npm warn peerdependencies in npm 3+. application need depend on explicitly. npm warn peerdependencies peer dependency karma@~0.12.0 included grunt-karma no npm warn peerdependencies longer automatically installed fulfill peerdependency  npm warn peerdependencies in npm 3+. application need depend on explicitly. npm warn optional dep failed, continuing fsevents@0.3.6 

after that, finished doing, ran bower install again sure (because of package.json thing), , grunt serve. grunt says done, without errors, page loads main.css. have strong feeling bootstrap.css file missing. this looks like, when codelab instructions should this.

if need further information on generated, here's github repository link.

any insight on i'm doing wrong (if anything) welcome.

after doing codelab had same problem same result getting (warnings , all). had work around issue rolling bootstrap 3.3.4.

just edit bower.json , change bootstrap line to:

    "bootstrap": "3.3.4", 

then run following , should work:

    bower install     grunt serve 


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