Hibernate Search: why .getResultsize is greater than .list().size()? -

the similar question asked not solved. here code

fulltextsession fulltextsession = search.getfulltextsession(currentsession()); querybuilder qb = fulltextsession.getsearchfactory()           .buildquerybuilder().forentity(design.class).get(); org.apache.lucene.search.query query = qb           .keyword()           .onfields("designname", "description")           .matching(text)           .createquery(); org.hibernate.search.fulltextquery hibquery =         fulltextsession.createfulltextquery(query, design.class); hibquery.setfirstresult(start); hibquery.setmaxresults(num);  @suppresswarnings("unchecked") list<design> designlist = hibquery.list(); (design design : designlist) {      hibernate.initialize(design.getdesignimages()); } return designlist; 

why hibquery.list().size() smaller hibquery.getresultsize(). because of difference, .setmaxresults() not work properly.

a reason can index , database not in sync @ time of querying. getresultsize based on lucene query result size whereas list.size() actual size of materialized (loaded) entities.


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