visual c++ - Create directory in C++ -

i'm making simple game in directx , c++. want create directory in documents settings etc.

but don't know how need this?

can me?

you can use visual studio's <filesystem>

there function create_directory has signature

template<class path> inline bool create_directory(    const path& pval ); 

you can find user's documents directory using shgetknownfolderpath has signature

hresult shgetknownfolderpath(   _in_     refknownfolderid rfid,   _in_     dword            dwflags,   _in_opt_ handle           htoken,   _out_    pwstr            *ppszpath ); 

in case refknownfolderid want use folderid_documents

note specific visual studio. c++ <filesystem> library still in works (i.e. experimental) now, coming soon!


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