Need to move lots of consistently named files to certain folders (Windows 7) -

i need populate bunch of folders files of various types.

the destination folder structure follows

year > committee_name year > year month committee_name  

ex: 2015 > adp 2015 > 2015 january adp 

the files moved in folders committee (mom, adp, etc.). have organize first year, committee, month.

each folder contains files of various types named date , committee (ex: word document adp meeting of jan 22, 2015 "012215adp.doc").

i somehow automate populating of these folders there hundreds if not thousands of files move.

my programming experience in matlab, proficient in, not allowed use due corporate rules.

i know how execute , modify .bat files, not know enough make them.

@echo off setlocal enabledelayedexpansion  set "destination=c:\path\that\contain\destination\folders"  rem change current folder 1 contain mom, adp, etc. folders cd "c:\path\to\committees\folder"   rem create array of month names (i.e. month[01]=january, etc.) set i=100 %%a in (january february march april may june july august september october november december) (    set /a i+=1    set "month[!i:~1!]=%%a" )  rem process committee folders /d %%d in (*) (     rem process files in folder    cd "%%d"    %%f in (*.*) (        rem format of file name is: "mmddyycom.ext"       set "filename=%%~nf"       set "mm=!filename:~0,2!"       set "yy=!filename:~4,2!"       set "com=!filename:~6,3!"        rem move file proper destination folder       %%m in (!mm!) set "dest="%destination%\20!yy!\!com! 20!yy!\20!yy! !month[%%m]! !com!"       if not exist "!dest!" md "!dest!"       move "%%f" "!dest!"     )     rem go parent folder , pass next committee folder    cd ..  ) 


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