python - networkx best practice getting edge attribute value while iterating over edges -

given list of edges (or generator). readable way identify edges attribute value? example edges 'edge_type' of 'foo'?

currently, code looks this:

for edge in nx_graph.out_edges(my_node):    edge_type = nx_graph[edge[0]][edge[1]]['edge_type']    if edge_type == 'foo':        ... 

due many brackets not easy read...

a more readable approach:

for edge in g.edges_iter(data=true):     if edge[2]['edge_type']=='foo':         ... 

yet still not clear (especially [2] ). also, not sure how use out_edges()

here's option

for edge in {(u,v,data) u,v,data in g.edges_iter(data=true) if data['edge_type']=='foo'}:      ... 


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