ios - How to parallelize many (100+) tasks without hitting global GCD limit? -

the problem:

when lazy-loading list of 100+ icons in background, hit gcd thread limit (64 threads), causes app freeze semaphore_wait_trap on main thread. want restructure threading code prevent happening, while still loading icons asynchronous prevent ui blocking.


my app loads screen svg icons on it. amount differs on average 10-200. icons drawn using local svg image or remote svg image (if has custom icon), post-processed final image result.

because takes time, , aren't vital user, want load , post-process them in background, pop in on time. every icon use following:

dispatch_queue_t concurrentqueue = dispatch_get_global_queue(dispatch_queue_priority_default, 0); dispatch_async(concurrentqueue, ^{     //code executed in background     svgkimage *iconimage = [settings geticonimage:location];     dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{         //code executed on main thread when background task finished         if (iconimage) {             [iconimgview setimage:iconimage.uiimage];         }     }); }); 

the geticonimage method handles initial loading of base svg, reads synchronized [nsinputstream inputstreamwithfileatpath:path] if local, , [nsurlconnection sendsynchronousrequest:request returningresponse:&response error:&errorwithnsdata] if should load remotely. happens synchronous.

then there post-processing of recoloring svg, before gets returned , put in uiimageview on main thread.


is there way structure code allow parallelized background loading prevent deadlock because of many threads?

solution edit:

_iconoperationqueue = [[nsoperationqueue alloc]init]; _iconoperationqueue.maxconcurrentoperationcount = 8;      // code executed on background [_iconoperationqueue addoperationwithblock:^{     // i/o code     svgkimage *baseicon = [settings geticonbasesvg:location];      // cpu-only code     svgkimage *iconimage = [settings geticonimage:location withbasesvg:baseicon];     uiimage *svgimage = iconimage.uiimage; // converting svgkimage uiimage expensive, don't on main thread     [[nsoperationqueue mainqueue] addoperationwithblock:^{         // code executed on main thread when background task finished         if (svgimage) {             [iconimgview setimage:svgimage];         }     }]; }]; 

instead of directly using gcd concurrent queue, use nsoperationqueue. set maxconcurrentoperationcount reasonable, 4 or 8.

if can, should separate i/o pure computation. use width-restricted operation queue i/o. pure computation can use unrestricted operation queue or pure gcd for.

the reason i/o blocks. gcd detects system idle , spins worker thread , starts task queue. blocks in i/o, too, more until hits limit. then, i/o starts completing , tasks unblock. have oversubscribed system resources (i.e. cpu) because there more tasks in flight cores , using cpu instead of being blocked i/o.

pure computation tasks don't provoke problem because gcd sees system busy , doesn't dequeue more tasks until earlier ones have completed.


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