scala - Play Framework using View Tags -

this day 1 play framework , using view templates


package controllers  import play.api._ import play.api.mvc._ class application extends controller {    val productmap = map(1 -> "keyboard", 2 -> "mouse", 3 -> "monitor")    def listproducts() = action {     ok(views.html.products(productmap.values.toseq))   } } 


get     /listproducts      controllers.application.listproducts 


@(products: seq[string]) @import tags._ @productsiterator(products) 

view tag

@(products: seq[string]) <ul>     @for(product <- products) {         <li>@product</li>     } </ul> 

the error getting is

 @6mgadekbj - internal server error, (get) [/listproducts] ->  play.sbt.playexceptions$compilationexception: compilation error[**too many arguments method apply**: ()play.twirl.api.htmlformat.appendable in class productsiterator]     @  

looks me. maybe it's old compilation older code? ./activator clean.


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