python - Why is my tkinter toplevel 'X' button over-ride method not being called? -

i have created toplevel widget class , want call method 'close' when window 'x' (closed). error - name 'close' not defined. me getting method run when toplevel window closed?

code in focus:

class questions_window():     def __init__(self, master):         self.master = master         self.master.geometry("300x300")         self.master.title("questions")         self.master.protocol("wm_delete_window", close)      def focus(self):         self.master.attributes("-topmost", 1)         self.master.grab_set()      def close(self):         global paused         paused = false         self.master.grab_release()         self.master.destroy() 

full code:

from tkinter import *  #starting velocity ball x_speed = 25 y_speed = 25 paused = false  class questions_window():     def __init__(self, master):         self.master = master         self.master.geometry("300x300")         self.master.title("questions")         self.master.protocol("wm_delete_window", close)      def focus(self):         self.master.attributes("-topmost", 1)         self.master.grab_set()      def close(self):         global paused         paused = false         self.master.grab_release()         self.master.destroy()  class table():     '''this table class - background game , it's drawings'''     def __init__ (self, window, colour = 'green', width=600, height = 400, score1 = 0, score2 = 0):         self. colour = colour         self.width = width         self.height = height         self.canvas = canvas(window, bg=self.colour, height=self.height, width=self.width)         self.canvas.pack()         self.canvas.create_line(300, 0, 300, 400, fill="red")         self.score1 = score1         self.score2 = score2      #this recieves coordinates of ball , draws oval based on these coordinates     #the instance of item returned ball class' 'circle' attribute     def draw_oval(self, oval):         x1 = oval.x_posn         x2 = oval.x_posn + oval.width         y1 = oval.y_posn         y2 = oval.y_posn + oval.height         c = oval.colour         return self.canvas.create_oval(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=c)      #this recieves coordinates of paddle , draws rectangle based on these coordinates     #the instance of item returned paddle class' 'rectangle' attribute     def draw_rectangle(self, rectangle):         x1 = rectangle.x_posn         x2 = rectangle.x_posn + rectangle.width         y1 = rectangle.y_posn         y2 = rectangle.y_posn + rectangle.height         c = rectangle.colour         return self.canvas.create_rectangle(x1, y1, x2, y2, fill=c)      #this method creates text on canvas (the scores separated dash)     def reset_scorecard(self):         scores = str(self.score1) + " - " + str(self.score2)         self.scorecard = self.canvas.create_text(300, 50, font=("purisa",40), text=scores)      #this finds out has won point , updates scores on canvas     def update_scorecard(self, player):         if player == 1:             self.score1 = self.score1 + 1         elif player == 2:             self.score2 = self.score2 + 1         scores = str(self.score1) + " - " + str(self.score2)         self.canvas.itemconfig(self.scorecard, text=scores)      #this method, when called, recieves drawing object , updates position on canvas     def move_item(self, item, x1, y1, x2, y2):         self.canvas.coords(item, x1, y1, x2, y2)  class ball():     '''this ball class'''     def __init__(self, table, colour = 'red', width = 25, height = 25, x_speed = 15,                                                  y_speed = 15, x_start = 5, y_start = 5):         self.colour = colour         self.width = width         self.height = height         self.x_posn = x_start         self.y_posn = y_start         self.table = table         self.x_start = x_start         self.y_start = y_start         self.x_speed = x_speed         self.y_speed = y_speed = self.table.draw_oval(self)      #this method updates ball's x , y coordinates speed values     #it checks if ball has hit walls - if has     #reverses x or y speeds depending on wall has hit     #it moves item new coordinates     def move_next(self):         self.x_posn = self.x_posn + self.x_speed         self.y_posn = self.y_posn + self.y_speed         if (self.x_posn <=3):             self.x_posn = 3             self.x_speed = -self.x_speed         if(self.x_posn >= (self.table.width - (self.width - 3))):             self.x_posn = (self.table.width - (self.width - 3))             self.x_speed = -self.x_speed         if (self.y_posn <=3):             self.y_posn = 3             self.y_speed = -self.y_speed         if(self.y_posn >= (self.table.height - (self.height - 3))):             self.y_posn = (self.table.height - (self.height - 3))             self.y_speed = -self.y_speed         x1 = self.x_posn         x2 = self.x_posn + self.width         y1 = self.y_posn         y2 = self.y_posn + self.height         self.table.move_item(, x1, y1, x2, y2)  class paddle():     '''this ball class'''     def __init__(self, master, table, colour = 'blue', width = 10, height = 110,                                                   x_start = 0, y_start = 20):         self.colour = colour         self.width = width         self.height = height         self.x_posn = x_start         self.y_posn = y_start         self.table = table         self.master = master         self.x_start = x_start         self.y_start = y_start         self.rectangle = self.table.draw_rectangle(self)      #this method updates paddles position on screen     #it recieves mouse' x , y positions , updates y position     #of paddle match y position of mouse     #it moves paddle new coordinates     def move(self, event):         self.y_posn = event.y         x1 = self.x_posn         x2 = self.x_posn + self.width         y1 = self.y_posn         y2 = self.y_posn + self.height         self.table.move_item(self.rectangle, x1, y1, x2, y2)      #this method checks if ball has moved passed paddle     #if has update scorecard passing in value of 2     #if has has done between top , bottom ends of paddle     #it takes paddle hit , updates score 1 passed method     def paddle_collision(self, ball, master):         global switch_value         if ((self.x_posn + self.width) > ball.x_posn) , (self.y_posn < ball.y_posn < (self.y_posn + self.height)):             ball.x_speed = abs(ball.x_speed)             print("yes!")             self.table.update_scorecard(1)         elif (self.x_posn+4) > ball.x_posn:             print("collision")             self.table.update_scorecard(2)             pause()             question_win = toplevel(self.master)             question_window = questions_window(question_win)             question_window.focus()  #create window object window = tk() window.title("tennis")  #create table, ball , paddle objects mytable = table(window) mytable.reset_scorecard() myball = ball(table=mytable, x_speed = x_speed, y_speed = y_speed) paddle1 = paddle(table=mytable, master = window)  #this animation loop calls after every 40ms #each call calls ball objects move_next method , paddle's collision method def game_flow():     if not paused:         myball.move_next()         paddle1.paddle_collision(myball,window)         window.after(40, game_flow)  def pause():     global paused     paused = true  #first call of game_flow start game game_flow()  #binds mouse events padde's move method window.bind("<motion>", paddle1.move)  window.mainloop() 

change close self.close

self.master.protocol("wm_delete_window", self.close) 


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