performance - Clustering a large, very sparse, binary matrix in R -

i have large, sparse binary matrix (roughly 39,000 x 14,000; rows have single "1" entry). i'd cluster similar rows together, initial plan takes long complete:

d <- dist(inputmatrix, method="binary") hc <- hclust(d, method="complete") 

the first step doesn't finish, i'm not sure how second step fare. approaches efficiently grouping similar rows of large, sparse, binary matrix in r?

i've written rcpp code , r code works out binary/jaccard distance of binary matrix approx. 80x faster dist(x, method = "binary"). converts input matrix raw matrix transpose of input (so bit patterns in correct order internally). used in c++ code handles data 64 bit unsigned integers speed. jaccard distance of 2 vectors x , y equal x ^ y / (x | y) ^ xor operator. hamming weight calculation used count number of bits set if result of xor or or non-zero.

i've put code on github @ , reproduced 2 files below. i've confirmed results same dist(x, method = "binary") few random datasets.

on dataset of 39000 rows 14000 columns 1-5 ones per row, took 11 minutes. output distance matrix 5.7 gb.


#include <rcpp.h> using namespace rcpp;  //countbits function taken  const uint64_t m1  = 0x5555555555555555; //binary: 0101... const uint64_t m2  = 0x3333333333333333; //binary: 00110011.. const uint64_t m4  = 0x0f0f0f0f0f0f0f0f; //binary:  4 zeros,  4 ones ... const uint64_t h01 = 0x0101010101010101; //the sum of 256 power of 0,1,2,3...  int countbits(uint64_t x) {   x -= (x >> 1) & m1;             //put count of each 2 bits 2 bits   x = (x & m2) + ((x >> 2) & m2); //put count of each 4 bits 4 bits    x = (x + (x >> 4)) & m4;        //put count of each 8 bits 8 bits    return (x * h01)>>56;  //returns left 8 bits of x + (x<<8) + (x<<16) + (x<<24) + ...  }  // [[rcpp::export]] int countbitsfromraw(rawvector rv) {   uint64_t* x = (uint64_t*)raw(rv);   return(countbits(*x)); }  // [[rcpp::export]] numericvector bdist(rawmatrix mat) {   int nr(mat.nrow()), nc(mat.ncol());   int nw = nr / 8;   numericvector res(nc * (nc - 1) / 2);   // access raw data unsigned 64 bit integers   uint64_t* data = (uint64_t*)raw(mat);   uint64_t a(0);   // work through each possible combination of columns (rows in original integer matrix)   (int = 0; < nc - 1; i++) {     (int j = + 1; j < nc; j++) {       uint64_t sx = 0;       uint64_t = 0;       // work through each 64 bit integer , calculate sum of (x ^ y) , (x | y)       (int k = 0; k < nw; k++) {         uint64_t o = data[nw * + k] | data[nw * j + k];         // if (x | y == 0) (x ^ y) 0         if (o) {           // use hamming weight method calculate number of set bits           = + countbits(o);           uint64_t x = data[nw * + k] ^ data[nw * j + k];           if (x) {             sx = sx + countbits(x);           }         }       }       res(a++) = (double)sx / so;     }   }   return (res); } 

r source

library("rcpp") library("plyr") sourcecpp("bdist.cpp")  # converts binary integer vector packed raw vector, # padding out @ end make input length multiple of packwidth packrow <- function(row, packwidth = 64l) {   packbits(as.raw(c(row, rep(0, (packwidth - length(row)) %% packwidth)))) }  as.packedmatrix <- function(x, packwidth = 64l) {   usemethod("as.packedmatrix") }  # converts binary integer matrix packed raw matrix # padding out @ end make input length multiple of packwidth as.packedmatrix.matrix <- function(x, packwidth = 64l) {   stopifnot(packwidth %% 8 == 0, class(x) %in% c("matrix", "matrix"))   storage.mode(x) <- "raw"   if (ncol(x) %% packwidth != 0) {     x <- cbind(x, matrix(0l, nrow = nrow(x), ncol = packwidth - (ncol(x) %% packwidth)))   }   out <- packbits(t(x))   dim(out) <- c(ncol(x) %/% 8, nrow(x))   class(out) <- "packedmatrix"   out }  # converts integer matrix as.matrix.packedmatrix <- function(x) {   out <- rawtobits(x)   dim(out) <- c(nrow(x) * 8l, ncol(x))   storage.mode(out) <- "integer"   t(out) }  # generates random sparse data testing main function makerandomdata <- function(nobs, nvariables, maxbits, packed = false) {   x <- replicate(nobs, {     y <- integer(nvariables)     y[sample(nvariables, sample(maxbits, 1))] <- 1l     if (packed) {       packrow(y, 64l)     } else {       y     }   })   if (packed) {     class(x) <- "packedmatrix"     x   } else {     t(x)   } }  # reads binary matrix file or character vector # borrows first bit of code read.table readpackedmatrix <- function(file = null, text = null, packwidth = 64l) {   if (missing(file) && !missing(text)) {     file <- textconnection(text)     on.exit(close(file))   }   if (is.character(file)) {     file <- file(file, "rt")     on.exit(close(file))   }   if (!inherits(file, "connection"))      stop("'file' must character string or connection")   if (!isopen(file, "rt")) {     open(file, "rt")     on.exit(close(file))   }   lst <- list()   <- 1   while(length(line <- readlines(file, n = 1)) > 0) {     lst[[i]] <- packrow(as.integer(strsplit(line, "", fixed = true)[[1]]), packwidth = packwidth)     <- + 1   }   out <-"cbind", lst)   class(out) <- "packedmatrix"   out }  # wrapper c++ code  binarydist <- function(x) {   if (class(x) != "packedmatrix") {     x <- as.packedmatrix(x)   }   dst <- bdist(x)   attr(dst, "size") <- ncol(x)   attr(dst, "diag") <- attr(dst, "upper") <- false   attr(dst, "method") <- "binary"   attr(dst, "call") <-   class(dst) <- "dist"   dst }  x <- makerandomdata(2000, 400, maxbits = 5, packed = true)  system.time(bd <- binarydist(x)) 

from original answer:

other things consider doing prefiltering of comparisons between 2 rows single ones since distance either 0 duplicates or 1 other possibility.

a couple of relatively straightforward options might faster without needing code vegdist function vegan package , dist function amap package. latter quicker if have multiple cores , take advantage of fact supports parallelisation.


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