Extract multiple files from gzip in ruby -
actually have multiple .txt files in .gz file. extract .txt files .gz file... example:
gz_extract = zlib::gzipreader.open("sample.gz") gz_extract.each |extract| print extract end
the above code prints whatever present in .gz file want un-gzip .txt files. hope ppl understood question....
actually have multiple .txt files in .gz file. extract .txt files .gz file.
gzip cannot contain multiple files together. works 1 file.
if want compress multiple files, first need tar them together, , gzip resulting .tar file, not appear case file using.
if can read contents of sample.gz code provided, further proof have 1 file inside. can try gunzip sample.gz
command-line again prove contains 1 file.
if want code output uncompressed .txt file:
output_file = file.open('sample.txt', 'w') gz_extract = zlib::gzipreader.open("sample.gz") gz_extract.each_line |extract| output_file.write(extract) end output_file.close
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