android - Error Ignoring multiple install campaigns using GoogleAnalytics -

i testing google play campaign attribution app when saw following error log :

06-19 14:17:55.416  14424-14466/ e/gav4﹕ ignoring multiple install campaigns. original, new: utm_source=testsource, utm_source=testsource2 

testsource , testsource2 utm_source's generate using following test broadcasting method :

adb shell broadcast -a -n --es "referrer" "utm_source=testsource&utm_medium=testmedium&utm_term=testterm&utm_content=testcontent&utm_campaign=testcampaign" 

i see hits testsource on googleanalytics website.

can explain error mean ? why testsource2 not show on googleanalytics website having come different source ?

the error occurs since google play services broadcast once when app downloaded.

the docs say:

when app downloaded google play store, play store app broadcasts intent_referrer app during installation. intent contains value of referrer parameter of link used reach app's google play store page, if 1 present.

i testing source on same installed apk. test new source:

1) uninstall apk   2) broadcast again. 

you'll see hits new source on google analytics website after time.


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