Testing a class in phpspec involving Guzzle -

i'm trying build class queries external api. each method corresponds endpoint makes call 'master call' method responsible sending request api.

for example:

// $this->http guzzlehttp\client 5.3  public function call($httpmethod, $endpoint, array $parameters = []) {     $parameters = array_merge($parameters, [         'headers' => [             'something' => 'something'         ]     ]);      $request = $this->http->createrequest($httpmethod, $this->baseurl . $endpoint, $parameters);      return $this->http->send($request); }  public function getall() {     return $this->call('get', 'all'); } 

what i'm supposed mock? should use willbecalled() and/or willreturn() on http client's createrequest() , send() methods?

when mock send(), says: argument 1 passed double\guzzlehttp\client\p2::send() must implement interface guzzlehttp\message\requestinterface, null given , i'm not sure how provide fake that, because creating dummy interface requires me implement 30 methods on class.

here's test right now:

function it_lists_all_the_things(httpclient $http) {     $this->call('get', 'all')->willbecalled();     $http->createrequest()->willbecalled();     $http->send()->willreturn(['foo' => 'bar']);      $this->getall()->shouldhavekeywithvalue('foo', 'bar');  } 

you should mock behaviour, this:

public function let(client $http) {     $this->beconstructedwith($http, 'http://someurl.com/'); }  function it_calls_api_correctly(client $http, request $request) {     $parameters = array_merge([         'headers' => [             'something' => 'something'         ]     ]);      $http->createrequest('get', 'http://someurl.com/all', $parameters)->shouldbecalled()->willreturn($request);      $http->send($request)->shouldbecalled();      $this->getall(); } 


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