html - Embedding an iframe in Wordpress does not work -

i need embed following code on self hosted wordpress installation -

<iframe id="slydy"      style = "border: none; max-width: 100%; min-width: 100px;"      src = ""      width = "648"      height = "435"      frameborder = "0"      marginwidth = "0"      marginheight = "0"      scrolling = "no"      allowfullscreen = "allowfullscreen">  </iframe> 

but doesn't show up. i've installed same on @ least 2 other wordpress blogs , worked fine.

what setting need tweak?

probably 1 of these things:

  1. if website https blocked because iframe http.
  2. make sure in text ( not visual ) editing mode on post editing screen
  3. wp caching ?


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