What unit of measure is the Redis server_load stat? -

the redis info command returns


metric, value 0.45. question value represent? percentage? fraction of 1?

you can see our monitoring load low:

server load chart

is 0.45 or bad?

from https://azure.microsoft.com/en-gb/blog/investigating-timeout-exceptions-in-stackexchange-redis-for-azure-redis-cache/

"is there high redis-server server load ? using redis-cli client tool, can connect redis endpoint , run "info cpu" check value of server_load. server load of 100 (maximum value) signifies redis server has been busy time (has not been idle) processing requests.run slowlog redis-cli see if there requests taking more time process causing server load max out."

i think server_load exists in azure redis. haven't seen in standalone builds. , i'm pretty sure microsoft never use unix style load indication in ... anything.

no such thing server_load in source code either: https://github.com/antirez/redis/search?utf8=%e2%9c%93&q=server_load

msopentech github issue link: https://github.com/msopentech/redis/issues/385


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