java - Add JDBC in Netbeans Maven Project -

i have created java maven project inside of netbeans. need access oracle database via java code. downloaded jdbc driver (.jar file) oracle, do include maven repository inside of netbeans?

there link close want accomplish:

i not have maven installed on computer, have running inside of netbeans.

what steps of adding jdbc driver inside of netbeans maven repository?


you there... not use netbeans, i'm sure somewhere under it, has maven installed.

so, try locate mvn executable, , follow instruction provided in link posted, or official instructions it.

another try run command install:install-file -dfile=<path-to-file> -dgroupid=<group-id> -dartifactid=<artifact-id> -dversion=<version> -dpackaging=<packaging> goal, inside netbeans (again, i'm not netbeans user, since other tools allow it, maybe netbeans same...).

a google search showed this instructions. may you.


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