angularjs - How to use tabs in Ionic with a abstract state parameter / clear cache on navigation -

i have home screen list of groups. each list item links same abstract state parameter (gid, groupid).

        .state('group', {             url: "/group/:gid",             abstract: true,             templateurl: "templates/group.html"         })          .state('group.members', {             url: '/members',             views: {                 'group-members': {                     templateurl: 'templates/group-members.html',                     controller: 'memberctrl'                 }             }         })          .state('', {             url: '/events',             views: {                 'group-events': {                     templateurl: 'templates/group-events.html',                     controller: 'eventctrl'                 }             }         })          .state('group.settings', {             url: "/settings",             views: {                 'group-settings': {                     templateurl: "templates/group-settings.html",                     controller: 'settingsctrl'                 }             }         }) 

in abstract state have 3 tabs should work on same parameter/group. while works tab link home screen, other tabs remember history , after going home screen , selecting group linked tab shows details correct group. other tabs show details (cached) group.

i think might fixed clearing cache somewhere, ideally not want clear each time each tab. while navigating between tabs in same group cache should used. when going home screen , after new group selected should cache of tabs cleared.

an alternative might somehow make other views aware new group has been selected. tab linked easy: parameter given in url. others not linked home screen. there way pass argument ion-tabs in template file?

what best approach getting work? must use case occurs , , suspect there preferred way handling it. using ionic 1.0.0. thanks.

the group-members view being updated, rest of groups view stale. adding cache: false state in codepen below worked fine.

javascript .state('group', { url: "/group/:gid", abstract: true, cache: false, templateurl: "templates/group.html" })

see $ionichistory.clearcache() @$ionichistory/


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