How can I use org.eclipse.jface.text.PaintManager in subclass of TextEditor? -

how can attach paintmanager texteditor? example, draw background of cursor line org.eclipse.jface.text.cursorlinepainter.

your editor's textviewer or sourceviewer provides paint manager. can access using itextviewerextension2 interface of viewer.

for example code sourceviewerdecorationsupport:

private void showcursorline() {     if (fcursorlinepainter == null) {         if (fsourceviewer instanceof itextviewerextension2) {             fcursorlinepainter = new cursorlinepainter(fsourceviewer);             fcursorlinepainter.sethighlightcolor(getcolor(fcursorlinepaintercolorkey));              itextviewerextension2 extension = (itextviewerextension2) fsourceviewer;             extension.addpainter(fcursorlinepainter);         }     } } 


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