C++ : How to use SAPI with QT Creator? -

i've got project consist create web browser including text speech solution. i've used examples msdn (here), when try compile project, i've got lot of errors, , haven't found solutions...

i'm using qt creator project.

the console output

this project.pro :

#------------------------------------------------- # # project created qtcreator 2015-06-18t15:14:25 # #-------------------------------------------------  qt       += widgets webkitwidgets network multimedia  target = project  template = app  sources += main.cpp \     browser.cpp  headers += \     browser.h  unix|win32: libs += -lsapi 

and main.cpp :

#include <sapi.h> #include "sphelper.h"  int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {     ispvoice *pvoice;     pvoice = null;     hresult hr = spcreatebestobject(spcat_voices, l”gender=female”, null, &pvoice);      // --> tried hresult hr = cocreateinstance(clsid_spvoice, null, clsctx_all, iid_ispvoice, (void **)&pvoice);, that's same result...     if( succeeded( hr ) )     {         hr = pvoice->speak(l"hello world", 0, null);         pvoice->release();         pvoice = null;     }     return 0; } 

thank's help!

this simplistic example can think of work msvc. don't imagine more different qt creator.

#include <sapi.h> #include <sphelper.h> #include <conio.h>  int main(int argc, char *argv[]){     hresult hr = s_ok;     ccomptr<ispvoice> cpvoice;      ::coinitialize(null);      hr = cpvoice.cocreateinstance(clsid_spvoice);      if(succeeded(hr)){         cpvoice->speak(l"this test phrase.", spf_default, null);         cpvoice.release();     }      puts("press key continue...");     getch(); } 

this code grab default voice , start speaking. in windows 7 voice ms anna.


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