amazon ec2 - ansible ec2 running list needs to be a list of instances -

i'm trying deploy ec2 instances ansible.

i keep getting error says:

failed! => {"msg": "running list needs list of instances run: none", 


--- - hosts: hornet   user: root   sudo: false   gather_facts: false   serial: 1   roles:     -  role: ec2 


--- - include_vars: "env.yml" - name: create ec2 instance   local_action:     module: ec2     key_name: "{{ key_name }}"     region: "{{ region }}"     instance_type: "{{ instance_type }}"     image: "{{ image }}"     group_id: "{{ security_group }}"     wait: yes     private_ip: "{{ privip }}"     assign_public_ip: true     state: running     instance_tags: { "{{ ectags }}","name: {{ inventory_hostname }}"}     count: 1     register: basic_ec2 

i have 2 hosts in hosts file.

[hornet] awo-p01-hm02 privip=`uniqueip` ectags="{purpose:hornetmq}" awo-p01-hm03 privip=`uniqueip` ectags="{purpose:hornetmq}" 

i suspect want state: present. state: running starting existing instances (that pass instance_ids: [ ... ]).

horribly confusing , poorly documented, know. ec2 module tries many things. :(


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