php - Starts with Symfony2 : No route found for "GET /" -

i installed symfony2 on mac. web/config.php works fine when go web/app_dev.php file, shows me error :

no route found "get /" (from "http://localhost:8888/symfony/web/config.php")

404 not found - notfoundhttpexception

1 linked exception: resourcenotfoundexception

error - uncaught php exception symfony\component\httpkernel\exception\notfoundhttpexception: "no route found "get /" (from "http://localhost:8888/symfony/web/config.php")" @ .../symfony/app/cache/dev/classes.php line 2059

i following tutorial , supposed welcome page : welcome_page has idea of ?

thank !

that's because demo route equal /app/example or that. go defaultcontroller in appbundle , change @route parameter single slash /


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