tsql - sql server - transforming data with dynamic pivot -

this question has answer here:

i need dynamically transform data in table #table format:

 spot_id        name        pct -------        ----        --- 1                         2 1               b           8 1               c           6 2                         4 2               b           5 3                         5 3               d           1 3               e           4 


 spot_id         b     c     d     e -------    ---   ---   ---   ---   --- 1           2     5     6     0     0 2           4     5     0     0     0 3           5     0     0     1     4 

the thing don't know in advance values of column "name" or how many of them there are, think have use kind of dynamic sql pivoting

just figured out how solve problem:

  declare @cols nvarchar(max),     @query  nvarchar(max)  select @cols = stuff((select ',' + quotename(name)                      (select distinct name #table) t             xml path(''), type             ).value('.', 'nvarchar(max)')          ,1,1,'')  set @query = n'select spot_id,' + @cols + n'               (                 select spot_id, name, pct                 #table             ) x             pivot              (                 max(pct)                 name in (' + @cols + n')             ) p '  exec sp_executesql @query;  

if there more elegant way same?

declare @t table (spot int,name varchar(1),pct int) insert @t(spot,name,pct)values(1,'a',2),(1,'b',8),(1,'c',6),(2,'a',4),(2,'b',5),(3,'a',5),(3,'d',1),(3,'e',4)   select spot,isnull([a],0)[a],isnull([b],0)[b],isnull([c],0)[c],isnull([d],0)[d],isnull([e],0)[e] (select spot,pct,name @t)t pivot(max(pct) name in ([a],[b],[c],[d],[e]))p   select spot,isnull(max(case when name = 'a' pct end),0)a,isnull(max(case when name = 'b' pct end),0)b , isnull(max(case when name = 'c' pct end),0)c , isnull(max(case when name = 'd' pct end),0)d ,isnull(max(case when name = 'e' pct end),0)e  @t group spot 

using dynamic query :

if object_id('tempdb..#t') not null     drop table #t  create  table #t(spot int,name varchar(1),pct int) insert #t(spot,name,pct)values(1,'a',2),(1,'b',8),(1,'c',6),(2,'a',4),(2,'b',5),(3,'a',5),(3,'d',1),(3,'e',4)  declare @statement nvarchar(max) ,@columns nvarchar(max)  select @columns = isnull(@columns + ', ', '') + n'[' + tbl.name + ']' (    select distinct name    #t    ) tbl  select @statement = ' select spot,isnull([a],0)[a],isnull([b],0)[b],isnull([c],0)[c],isnull([d],0)[d],isnull([e],0)[e] (select spot,pct,name #t)t pivot(max(pct) name in (' + @columns + ')) pvt'  exec sp_executesql @statement = @statement 


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