How to enable HSTS (HTTP Strict Transport Security) in Tomcat + JIRA -
it helpful if suggest me enable hsts(http strict transport security) header in tomcat
my jira application running on tomcat , there no apache or nginx @ front.
i set hsts response header jira application, kindly please suggest how can implement in tomcat.
thanks in advance.
i think you're looking for. took
<filter> <filter-name>hstsfilter</filter-name> <filter-class>org.apache.catalina.filters.hstsfilter</filter-class> <init-param> <param-name>maxageseconds</param-name> <param-value>31536000</param-value> </init-param> <init-param> <param-name>includesubdomains</param-name> <param-value>true</param-value> </init-param> </filter> <filter-mapping> <filter-name>hstsfilter</filter-name> <url-pattern>/*</url-pattern> </filter-mapping> package org.apache.catalina.filters; import; import javax.servlet.filterchain; import javax.servlet.filterconfig; import javax.servlet.servletexception; import javax.servlet.servletrequest; import javax.servlet.servletresponse; import javax.servlet.http.httpservletresponse; import org.apache.juli.logging.log; import org.apache.juli.logging.logfactory; public class hstsfilter extends filterbase { private static final string header_name = "strict-transport-security"; private static final string max_age_directive = "max-age=%s"; private static final string include_sub_domains_directive = "includesubdomains"; private static final log log = logfactory.getlog(hstsfilter.class); // default "0" recommended in section 11.2 of rfc 6797 private int maxageseconds = 0; private boolean includesubdomains = false; private string directives; public void setmaxageseconds(int maxageseconds) { this.maxageseconds = maxageseconds; } public void setincludesubdomains(boolean includesubdomains) { this.includesubdomains = includesubdomains; } @override public void dofilter(servletrequest request, servletresponse response, filterchain chain) throws ioexception, servletexception { chain.dofilter(request, response); // note hsts header must not included in http responses // conveyed on non-secure transport if (request.issecure() && response instanceof httpservletresponse) { httpservletresponse res = (httpservletresponse) response; res.addheader(header_name, this.directives); } } @suppresswarnings("boxing") @override public void init(filterconfig filterconfig) throws servletexception { super.init(filterconfig); if (this.maxageseconds < 0) { throw new servletexception(sm.getstring( "hsts.invalidparametervalue", this.maxageseconds, "maxageseconds")); } this.directives = string.format(max_age_directive, this.maxageseconds); if (this.includesubdomains) { this.directives += (" ; " + include_sub_domains_directive); } } @override protected log getlogger() { return log; } }
check code on link i've attached.
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