excel - Show Sum of 2 Textboxes in 3rd Textbox -

i'm trying direct calculation doesn't work.

this have @ moment.

private sub textbox270_afterupdate()      textbox270.value = val(textbox1.value) + val(textbox150.value)     end sub  

i trying achive

1 (in textbox1) + 2 (in textbox150) = 3 (in textbox270) 

you need handle change event of textbox1 , textbox150

is trying? (untested) assuming will entering valid numbers in 2 textboxes.

private sub textbox1_change()     generatesum end sub  private sub textbox150_change()     generatesum end sub  sub generatesum()     if len(trim(textbox1.text)) <> 0 , _        len(trim(textbox150.text)) <> 0          textbox270.text = val(trim(textbox1.text)) + _                         val(trim(textbox150.text))      end if end sub 


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