javascript - How to open a modal pop up after timer runs out? -

i beginner in javascript , writing js code web application stuck @ 1 point.

i have web page timer 5 seconds , after timer runs out expect modal popup.

i have written code here:

var count=-1; // -1 having delay of 1000ms  var counter=setinterval(timer, 1000); //1000  run every 1 second  function timer() {     count=count+1;     if (count >=6) //+1 req time have delay of 1000ms     {         clearinterval(counter);         /////////////what code should go here modal pop up??///////////////////////         return;     }     document.getelementbyid("timer").innerhtml=count + " secs"; // watch spelling } 

i want know code enable pop after timer runs out.

all need select modal (with jquery) , call modal() method:


that invoke modal. i've modified fiddle give example here: jsfiddle example.


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