java - Is there a different way to use methods of another class? -

i fixed it. extended abstractpage methods are. @ first test class must have singular no-argument constructor. realized in @before driver variable , startup variable made problems after removed , called open chromedriver() method , openhomepage method eclipse happy , allowed me run tests , remove part had call class method. help.

package;   public class testforpage {  private webdriver driver;  @before public void setup() {     abstractpage startup = new abstractpage(driver);     driver = startup.openchromedriver();     onregistrationpage = new registrationpage(driver);     onregistrationpage.openhomepage(driver); }  @test public void register() {     onregistrationpage.clickon(onregistrationpage.registration_link);     assertequals(onregistrationpage.geturl(),"");     // write first name**     onregistrationpage.type(onregistrationpage.first_name_input, "user");     // write last name     onregistrationpage.type(onregistrationpage.last_name_input, "dev");     // click marrital status     onregistrationpage.clickon(onregistrationpage.marital_status_button);      // click hobby     onregistrationpage.clickon(onregistrationpage.hobby_button); 

this how code looks now.

  public class testforpage extends abstractpage {      public testforpage() {      }  @before public void setup() {     driver = openchromedriver();     openhomepage(driver); }  @test public void register() {     clickon(registration_link);     assertequals(geturl(),"");     // write first name**     type(first_name_input, "user");     // write last name     type(last_name_input, "dev");     // click marrital status     clickon(marital_status_button); 

if want call method located in registrationpage class need have instance of compiler knows clickon method calling.

you can without instance making method static , can call registrationpage.clickon, changing static has other implications should read on.

the other solution make registrationpage parent class/interface , have lower class inherit it, can call clickon; doesn't make sense have test class inherit non-test class.


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