javascript - Pusher subscribe and un-subscribe process -

i'm getting pusher subscribe/un-subscribe problem presence groups on simple chat application. there should 2 subscribed channels @ given time. users switch between channels when navigating between backbone routes, there no hard page reloads.

pusher appears function of time, intermittent errors channel subscriptions.

i wrote 2 join channel methods unsubscribe if 1 has been joined previous route. i'm worried there async happening within pusher breaking things.

my pusher related code single channel:

window.pusher = new pusher('<%= pusher.key %>', {   authendpoint: 'api/pusher/auth' }); 


this.groupfeed = this._pushersubscribegroup(group_id); this.groupfeed.bind('new_conversation', function(data) {   var newconv = new app.models.conversation(data);; }.bind(this)); 

unsubscribe helper:

_pushersubscribegroup: function (group_id) {   if (this._groupchannelname) {     window.pusher.unsubscribe(this._groupchannelname);   }   this._groupchannelname = 'presence-group-' + group_id;   return window.pusher.subscribe(this._groupchannelname); } 

console error:

pusher : error : {"type":"websocketerror","error":{"type":"pushererror","data":{"code":null,"message":"existing subscription channel presence-group-1"}}} 

pusher : error : {"type":"websocketerror","error":{"type":"pushererror","data":{"code":null,"message":"existing subscription channel presence-group-1"}}}

the message telling - far pusher service concerned - particular client identified socket_id subscribed presence-group-1 channel. point of view of client error normally isn't need worry about.

however, if user subscribing/unsubscribing navigating routes worth getting more information sure. supplied code , description, it's not possible determine if problem within pusher service or client application.

providing output of pusher javascript library logging provide more detail determine cause.


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