java - Can't get RCaller to to run simple example -

i trying run simple example of rcaller on windows 7 machine.

        rcaller caller = new rcaller();         rcode code = new rcode();         caller.setrscriptexecutable("c:\\program files\\r\\r-3.2.1\\bin\\rscript.exe");         double[] numbers = new double[]{1, 4, 3, 5, 6, 10};         code.adddoublearray("x", numbers);         code.addrcode("my.mean<-mean(x)");         code.addrcode("my.var<-var(x)");         code.addrcode("my.all<-list(mean=my.mean, variance=my.var)");         caller.setrcode(code);         caller.runandreturnresult("my.all");         double[] results = caller.getparser().getasdoublearray("mean");`         system.out.println(results[0]); 

this error message:

   cat(makexml(obj=my.all, name="my.all"), file="c:/users/bob smith/appdata/local/temp/routput8089051805366000971")     rcaller.exception.parseexception: can not handle r results due :    rcaller.exception.parseexception: can not parse output: generated file c:\users\bob smith\appdata\local\temp\routput8089051805366000971 empty 

i've tried several versions of rcaller (this example 2.2.0) , have received similar errors. know how fix this?
