jquery - geb/selenium test, chosen multiple selection -

i want test multiple selection realized via jquery plugin called chosen.

the html of selection:

<select id="pickusers" name="users" multiple="true" class="many-to-many" > <option value="1" >me</option> <option value="3" >leader</option> <option value="2" >test</option> </select> 

exception is:

org.openqa.selenium.elementnotvisibleexception: element not visible , may not interacted 

i think has todo display: none css property , read alot didnt find solution problem


my selenium bindings are:

users {$("select", name:"users")} 

i tried several assignments:

users = ["me", "test"] or   users = [1,2,3]  users = ["1","2","3"] 

ran same issue. geb can access elements visible. in case, chosen adds display none select (<select ... style="display:none">). therefore cannot access using $('') selector.

one workaround is:

in test:

  1. remove style attribute. js.exec("document.getelementsbytagname('select')[0].removeattribute('style')")

    this way think of since geb has getattribute $('') selectors, not have setattribute.

  2. set new select value value $('select').value(1)

note: it's not elegant solution since you'll 2 selects. first "unhide", , second 1 created , styled chosen. nevertheless way can access select, set value move on testing.


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