Java Finalize Method similar in python -

i want determine how can determine if object goes out of scope , perform operations when object goes out of scope

in java have finalize method called jvm when object has no more references.

i new python world , want determine if there similar way java finalize can perform operations before , object destroyed or there no more references object

what want called destructor of object. python has concept using - __del__ method of class.

example -

class footype:     def __init__(self, id): = id         print, 'born'      def __del__(self):         print, 'died' 

the __del__ method called when object destroyed.

now if define above class inside python file , lets call , , add following lines below , run python code, following result -

f1 = footype(1) f2 = footype(2)  python  1 born 2 born 1 died 2 died 

please note, __del__ destructor may not called in circumstances , , more advised use contexts handling cleanup , etc.

though better way handling cleanup , etc through contexts , using with statement . example of with statement -

with open('file','r') f:     <some statements operating on f> 

once with block ends, interpreter calls __exit__ function of variable - called context manager - responsible cleanup. (in above example , context manager f )

you can use contextlib create custom context managers.


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