javascript - populating content inside div into multiple vertical coumns -

i have populated content. how can content vertially align multiple columns it's on image.


<div result>    <div ng-repeat="n in data| orderby:'-number'">        {{ n }}    </div> </div> 

enter image description here

maybe can help:

var sec = document.body.getelementsbytagname("section")[0];  (var i=1; i<=150;i++){      var n = document.createtextnode(i);      var li = document.createelement('li');      li.appendchild(n);      sec.appendchild(li)  }
li{list-style:none}  section{          -webkit-column-count: 3;      -moz-column-count: 3;       column-count: 3;  }


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