spring - Display a variable inside another with thymeleaf -

i have th:each loop display buttons.

<li th:id="${'button-' + row.name }" th:unless="${row.name == 'linkedin' or row.name == 'slideshow'}" class="collection-item avatar" th:each="row, rowstat: *{arbuttons}">         <img th:src="${'/images/buttons/' + row.name + '.png'}" th:alt="${row.name}" class="circle"/>             <div class=" input-field col s12">                 <input th:field="*{arbuttons[__${rowstat.index}__].name}" type="hidden" />                 <input th:field="*{arbuttons[__${rowstat.index}__].data}" th:id="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" type="text" class="validate" />                  <label th:if="${row.name == 'call'}" th:for="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" th:text="${call}"> phone number </label>                 <label th:if="${row.name == 'mail'}" th:for="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" th:text="${mail}"> email </label>                 <label th:if="${row.name == 'link'}" th:for="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" th:text="${link}"> web link </label>                 <label th:if="${row.name == 'video'}" th:for="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" th:text="${video}"> video </label>             </div>         </li> 

now don't want use every time check on row.name in order display convient text there way use like

<label th:for="${'button-'+rowstat.index}" th:text="${${row.name}}">  </label> 

please idea !

check out thymeleaf's preprocessing capabilities. case think


note should use double underscores , parenthesis ommited, makes more clear me


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