Build failed for Java Ant task in Jenkins -

i running ant in jenkins in amazon t2.micro ubuntu instance. java task failed. below jenkins console

 [java] compiling module com.eit.manufacturing.displayprocessor.manufacturing  [java] java hotspot(tm) 64-bit server vm warning: info: os::commit_memory(0x00000000ed84e000, 53288960, 0) failed; error='cannot allocate memory' (errno=12)  [java] #  [java] # there insufficient memory java runtime environment continue.  [java] # native memory allocation (malloc) failed allocate 53288960 bytes committing reserved memory.  [java] # error report file more information saved as:  [java] # /root/.jenkins/jobs/manufacturing apps/workspace/manufacturingweb/hs_err_pid5235.log 

here ant script:

<target     name="clientcompile"     depends="servercompile"     description="gwt compile javascript (production mode)" >      <java         classname=""         failonerror="true"         fork="true" >         <classpath>         <pathelement location="src" />         <path refid="project.class.path" />         <pathelement location="${gwt.sdk}\" />         <pathelement location="${gwt.sdk}\" />         </classpath>         <jvmarg value="-xmx256m" />         <arg line="-war" />         <arg value="war" />         <arg line="${gwt.args}" />         <arg value="com.eit.manufacturing.displayprocessor.manufacturing" />    </java> </target> 

how solve problem?

try following java task

<jvmarg value="-xmx1g" />


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