ios - Obj-C can't parse HTML -

i parsing html, , keep getting node nil, when know not , have evaluated same xpath string in both safari , chrome , takes me want here code.

in viewdidload

self.url = @""; [self getmenuitems:self.url]; 

in getmenuitems:

//i data async nsurlrequest *request = [nsurlrequest requestwithurl:[nsurl urlwithstring:url]]; [nsurlconnection sendasynchronousrequest:request queue:[nsoperationqueue mainqueue] completionhandler:^(nsurlresponse *response, nsdata *data, nserror *connectionerror) {      [self getdata:data];  }]; 

in getdata:

tfhpple *parser = [tfhpple hpplewithhtmldata:factdata];  nsstring *planstring = @"/html[@class='cufon-active cufon-ready']/body/div[@id='main-content']/div[@id='subs-container']/div[@class='main-corners']/div[@class='column-66 float-left']/div[@class='pane-accord']/div[@id='hideinse']/div[@id='accordion_23471']/div[@id='ui-accordion-accordion_23471-panel-1']/span/p[3]"; nsarray *tutorialsnodes = [parser searchwithxpathquery:planstring];  nslog(@"tut: %@", tutorialsnodes);  (tfhppleelement *element in tutorialsnodes) {      nslog(@"element: %@", [element text]);  } 

but tutorialsnodes comes empty array , im not sure why, can go site in question , put xpath in console , text tuesday: 7:30a - 7:30p . not being returned code going wrong?

why array nil?

thanks in advance.


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