html - Get current session info using separate linked php file -

these times select shows in file. . . .

function getuserfromemail($email,&$user_rec) {     if(!$this->dblogin())     {         $this->handleerror("database login failed!");         return false;     }        $email = $this->sanitizeforsql($email);      $result = mysql_query("select * $this->tablename email='$email'",$this->connection);        if(!$result || mysql_num_rows($result) <= 0)     {         $this->handleerror("there no user email: $email");         return false;     }     $user_rec = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);       return true; } 

and . . .

function checkloginindb($username,$password) {     if(!$this->dblogin())     {         $this->handleerror("database login failed!");         return false;     }               $username = $this->sanitizeforsql($username);  $nresult = mysql_query("select * $this->tablename username = '$username'", $this->connection) or die(mysql_error());     // check result      $no_of_rows = mysql_num_rows($nresult);     if ($no_of_rows > 0) {         $nresult = mysql_fetch_array($nresult);         $salt = $nresult['salt'];         $encrypted_password = $nresult['password'];         $hash = $this->checkhashssha($salt, $password);       }       $qry = "select name, email $this->tablename username='$username' , password='$hash' , confirmcode='y'";      $result = mysql_query($qry,$this->connection);      if(!$result || mysql_num_rows($result) <= 0)     {         $this->handleerror("error logging in. username or password not match");         return false;     }      $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result);       $_session['name_of_user']  = $row['name'];     $_session['email_of_user'] = $row['email'];     $_session['phone_of_user'] = isset($row['phone'])?$row['phone']:'phone not set';       return true; } 

also, time $row shows well. functions being called other php file follows . . . .

<p id="mobilecheck" align="center"> willkommen z&uuml;ruck <? echo $fgmembersite->userfullname(); ?>! </br> 

willkommen userphone(); ?>! willkommen züruck useremail(); ?>!

rick, i'll wite here understand better. debugging purposes next thing:

  1. instead of $_session['phone_of_user'] = $row['phone']; put this: $_session['phone_of_user'] = $row; //this put entire array in variable

  2. instead of:

<p id="mobilechiiieckby" align="center"> willkommen <? echo $fgmembersite->userphone(); ?>! </br>

write this:

<p id="mobilechiiieckby" align="center"><pre><?php print_r($_session['phone_of_user']); ?>!</pre></p> 

these 2 simple modifications see what's inside $row variable. after see it's content can play it. let's continue discussion here, , i'll update answer new information.

later edit: update line:

$qry = "select name, email $this->tablename username='$username' , password='$hash' , confirmcode='y'"; 

with one:

$qry = "select name, email, phone $this->tablename username='$username' , password='$hash' , confirmcode='y'"; 


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