ios - Access to a pushed controller from navigationController -

i try set properties pushed viewcontroller (viewcontroller b) previous view in stack of nav controller (viewcontroller a).

however object (header) try set properties nil @ moment set properties. (checked breakpoints)


 breapoint 1 -> viewcontrollera * missionvc = (viewcontrollera *) self.navigationcontroller.viewcontrollers[n-2];    breakpoint 2 ->missionvc.header.title = companyname; missionvc.header.subtitle = missionname;  [self.navigationcontroller popviewcontrolleranimated:yes]; 

at breakpoint 1, missionvc has header object correctly initialized, @ breakpoint 2 missionvc.header nil , don't know why.

you creating new object of previous view controller. should pass reference of viewcontroller b , set value of viewcontroller a. either can use delegate pass object.


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