ios - The world of generated NSManagedObjects and a Superclass -
i have several generated nsmanagedobject subclasses. using article created parent class (named qualifier) nsmanagedobject subclasses extend. in way can have class hierarchy without entity hierarchy.
i have problem won't know until runtime subclass need create. have string representing class name. put method in qualifier class creates specific subclass:
+ (instancetype) insertnewobjectfor:(nsstring *) qualifiername intocontext:(nsmanagedobjectcontext *) managedobjectcontext { nsmanagedobjectmodel *managedobjectmodel = [[managedobjectcontext persistentstorecoordinator] managedobjectmodel]; class qualifierclass = nsclassfromstring(qualifiername); nsentitydescription *entity = [[managedobjectmodel entitiesbyname] objectforkey:qualifiername]; qualifier *object = [[qualifierclass alloc] initwithentity:entity insertintomanagedobjectcontext:managedobjectcontext]; return(object); }
i'm new @ objective c , wanted ask more informed stack exchangers if acceptable way create specific instance?
that's fine, although it's more steps necessary. i'd simplify to:
qualifier *object = [nsentitydescription insertnewobjectforentityforname:qualifiername inmanagedobjectcontext:context];
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