python - Can't find SalesForce Object -

i'm having trouble salesforce, i've never used before i'm not entirely sure going wrong here. using simple_salesforce python module. have pulled data salesforce standard objects, custom object giving me trouble. query

result = sf.query("select name call_records__c") 

which produces error:

traceback (most recent call last):   file "", line 15, in <module>     result = sf.query("select name call_records__c")   file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/simple_salesforce/", line 276, in query     _exception_handler(result)   file "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/simple_salesforce/", line 634, in _exception_handler     raise exc_cls(result.url, result.status_code, name, response_content) simple_salesforce.api.salesforcemalformedrequest: malformed request response content: [{u'errorcode': u'invalid_type', u'message': u"\nselect name call_records__c\n                 ^\nerror @ row:1:column:18\nsobject type 'call_records__c' not supported. if attempting use custom object, sure append '__c' after entity name.  please reference wsdl or describe call appropriate names."}] 

i've tried , without __c both table name , field name, still can't figure out. blatantly wrong?

make sure result call_records__c/callrecords__c

call_records__c result = sf.query("select name call_records__c") or callrecords__c result = sf.query("select name callrecords__c")


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