php - Previous and next month not working as expected -
i have following code in order create previous , next month links:
$date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, date("m"), 1, date("y") ); $nextmonth = strftime( '%b', strtotime( '+1 month', $date ) ); $prevmonth = strftime( '%b', strtotime( '-1 month', $date ) ); $nextyear = strftime( '%y', strtotime( '+1 month', $date ) ); $prevyear = strftime( '%y', strtotime( '-1 month', $date ) );
now when december
next year variable 2016 previous year variable 2015
but when date january 2016
next year variable 2015 previous year variable 2014
i can't understand why doing or doing wrong here. 1 have idea how fix this?
testing function fixed parameters, you'll :
$date = mktime( 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2016);
and echo $nextyear not give 2016 because added 1 month. testing what's scripted :
the next year variable 2016 // january 2016 + 1 month = february 2016 previous year variable 2015 // jan 2016 - 1 month = dec 2015
my guess passing date('y') without realizing it's 2015
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