javascript - Dynamically created JQUERY buttons defaulting to last element created -

trying create dynamic jquery elements added html page. click on event, create elements array , new elements go different functions. far i've got:

<!doctype html public "-//w3c//dtd xhtml 1.0 transitional//en" "">  <html xmlns=""><head><meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">     <head>         <title>adding buttons dynamically jquery </title>         <link type = "text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="jquery-ui.css">         <script type = "text/javascript" src="jquery.min.js"></script>         <script type = "text/javascript" src="jquery-ui.min.js"></script>      </head>     <body>         <p>firing off without hitch, html page loaded properly</p>          <button id="classchoice">show classes</button>          <div id='classsection' style="margin:50px">this our new section test area</div>           <script type="text/javascript">                 //classes array             var classesarray = [ 'spanish','english','french'];              var classindex = 0;                 //button functionality              var btn = document.getelementbyid('classchoice');             btn.addeventlistener("click",click2handler,false);                       //button handler             function click2handler(){                       alert('clicked button!');  /*code create variable new button */                   evaluator();                  }                   //evaluator function                 function evaluator()                 {                     if(classindex<classesarray.length)                     {//only operate length of classes array                         for(var = 0; i< classesarray.length;i++)                         {                         var wherecreated = jquery('#classsection');//where add                         var id = 'btn' + classesarray[classindex];                         wherecreated.append('<br><button id="' + id + '">' + classesarray[classindex] + '</button>');                         jquery('#'+id).button().click(function(){                             alert('dynamically added button: '+ id + ' has been clicked...going selector function');alert('id of button clicked: ' + id);                             selector(id);                         });                         console.log('wherecreated: '+wherecreated+". id: " +id);                         classindex++;                                                    }                         console.log('classindex: ' + classindex);                      }                 }                 function selector(btnselection)                 {                     switch(btnselection)                     {                         case 'btnspanish':                          alert('buenos dias!'); break;                         case 'btnenglish':                         alert('howdy partner!');break;                         case 'btnfrench':                         alert('oui oui monsieur!');break;                         default : alert('unhandled exception inside selection');                         break;                      }                 }            </script>     </body> </html> 

the problem last button created has id evaluated inside selector function, in case btnfrench. how each button pass right id?

you create closure:

(function (id) {     jquery('#' + id).button().click(function () {         alert('dynamically added button: ' + id + ' has been clicked...going selector function');         alert('id of button clicked: ' + id);         selector(id);     }); })(id); 

the closure defines new scope. necessary because handler isn't called until after loop has finished, not part of scope @ time called, or (in cases) has last possible value loop. (src)


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