ms access: Enter parameter value -

i trying open form on click of button. below code

private sub command17_click()     dim stuff string     dim salarystatus string     stuff = "senior stuff"     salarystatus = "deposit"     ssql = "select customert.* customert (((customert.[salary status])=" & salarystatus & ") , ((customert.[stuff type])= " & stuff & "));"      docmd.openform "clusterf"     forms!clusterf.form.recordsource = ssql     forms!clusterf.form.requery     forms!clusterf.form.refresh end sub 

when click on button small popup window says enter parameter value stuff , salarystatus. why window shows. wrong sql query , how fix it?

yes, reduce little , rename button:

private sub command17_click()      dim stuff        string     dim salarystatus string      stuff = "senior stuff"     salarystatus = "deposit"     ssql = "select customert.* customert customert.[salary status] = '" & salarystatus & "' , customert.[stuff type] = '" & stuff & "';"      docmd.openform "clusterf"     forms!clusterf.recordsource = ssql end sub 


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