oauth 2.0 - Getting Invalid redirect_uri using OAuth2 for Google Sheets -

i not sure use redirect uri. bitbucket has space "callback url" assuming entered. else have problem/know how use redirect uri in situation? setting service object below.

function getbitbucketserviceoauth2() { // create new service given name. name used when // persisting authorized token, ensure unique within // scope of property store. return oauth2.createservice('bitbucket')    // set endpoint urls, same google services.   .setauthorizationbaseurl('https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/authorize')   .settokenurl('https://bitbucket.org/site/oauth2/access_token')    // set client id , secret, google developers console.   .setclientid('wl6mqbgku7axd5kqun')   .setclientsecret('jtrmqm5ug9feumaxecqrx95uqz8lcevw')    // set name of callback function in script referenced   // above should invoked complete oauth flow.   .setcallbackfunction('authcallback')    // set property store authorized tokens should persisted.   .setpropertystore(propertiesservice.getuserproperties())    // set scopes request (space-separated google services).  // .setscope('https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive')    // below google-specific oauth2 parameters.    // sets login hint, prevent account chooser screen   // being shown users logged in multiple accounts.   //.setparam('login_hint', session.getactiveuser().getemail())    // requests offline access.   //.setparam('access_type', 'offline')    // forces approval prompt every time. useful testing,   // not desirable in production application.   .setparam('approval_prompt', 'force'); } 

and getting authorize url below.

var authorizationurl = service.getauthorizationurl();  var template = htmlservice.createtemplate(   '<a href="<?= authorizationurl ?>" target="_blank">authorize</a>. ' +     'reopen sidebar when authorization complete.'); template.authorizationurl = authorizationurl; var page = template.evaluate();  spreadsheetapp.getui().showsidebar(page); 

any great!

when error 403 (or equivalent), see "read more" link. click on , copy paste expected link gives. now, use link generate new credentials in redirect uri.

this flow worked me. hope works too.


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