video - load movie trailer in android application from imdb -

is somehow possible, can load movie trailers imdb videoview or native android player.

so far, i've tried. iframe approach let me load trailer in webview, don't want. here found link direct link stream.

i want play in video view or native android control. in advance.

the link have above not direct link video - link web page contains embedded player, in turn has link actual trailer video itself.

you can see link video if use network timeline tab in browser inspector @ network requests. example above client (the browser running html5 page have downloaded) requesting video m3u8 file following request: 

this 'index' file hls format video file - tells client request video streams. client downloads video chunk chunk can see requests ts segments - e.g. example above: 

if imdb site not protect or restrict video in way (for example allowing play embedded web page) in theory android should able play hls file if point media player towards m3u8 file. in practice android has know issues hls playback may find problematic - see summary:


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