c++ - Qt- change QStringList element -

i have groupprofpic qstringlist. i'v added same photo of element

for (int k=0 ; k<4 ; ++k)     groupprofpic.append(":/images/person.png"); 

if each person has profile picture ,default profile picture(":/images/person.png") replace his/her profile picture.

   (int i=0 ; i<nicknameslist.size() ; ++i)         {             query1.prepare("select profpic muc_members nickname=? limit 4");             query1.addbindvalue(nicknameslist[i]);             query1.exec();             if(query1.next())             {                 groupprofpic[i] = query1.value(0).tostring();             } 

but it's not working. how fix it?

try check return value of qsqlquery::exec():

if (query1.exec()) {     //do work     //and see have     qdebug() << "image path:" << query1.value(0).tostring();  } else {     //you have error } 


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